Cyber Insurance

Our specialised insurance covers will keep you secured.

What is Cyber Insurance?

Cyber-insurance is designed to protect businesses, and individuals providing services from Internet-based risks, and more generally from risks relating to information technology infrastructure, information privacy, information governance liability, and activities related.

What is covered?


Security & Privacy Liability provides coverage against third-party claims, arising from a failure of the insured’s network security or a failure to protect personally identifiable information


Event Management cover responds to a security failure or privacy breach, paying costs of notifications (including voluntary notifications), public relations and other services to assist in managing and mitigating a cyber-hacking incident


Network Business Interruption cover responds to loss of income and operating expenses when a company’s business operations are interrupted or suspended due to a network security failure


Cyber Extortion cover responds to the threat of cyber-attacks against a company by an outsider attempting to extort money. The cover also includes the cost of investigation to determine the cause of the attack

Your insurance depends on a lot of factors

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